miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011


    Friendship is one of the most important things that  people should have in their lives. We are humang beings, so we can´t be alone all the time, we need to "the others". We need the support of friends, family, colleagues, etc., becuase they help us in many ways.

First, a friend helps us to be  better people. He or she tells us what are our mistakes, and what are our strenghts. A trully friend never lies, so we can trust in him or her.

Second, a friend gives us support when we are going through difficult moments or situations. He or she cheers us up and gives us advices.

Third, and the most important. A friend listens to us. if we are sad, if we are happy he or she is there to hear our problems or our success.

Without friendship our lives will be sad and dark, because if we share time, experiences, conversations, and different moments with a person that is important for us, we will be happier and we will feel better.

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