miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Teachers UISEK

Teachers from SEK university are good professionals and people. They have a lot of studies and experience in the field or subject that they teach, they also have degrees and important positions on the professional market, so they can give us their knowledge. On the other hand they are very patient and comprehensive, but they also demand us to accomplish our homework. Finally they give us advices and help us to be better people and students. Our teachers are excellent giving classes and sometimes are our friends too. 

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011


    Friendship is one of the most important things that  people should have in their lives. We are humang beings, so we can´t be alone all the time, we need to "the others". We need the support of friends, family, colleagues, etc., becuase they help us in many ways.

First, a friend helps us to be  better people. He or she tells us what are our mistakes, and what are our strenghts. A trully friend never lies, so we can trust in him or her.

Second, a friend gives us support when we are going through difficult moments or situations. He or she cheers us up and gives us advices.

Third, and the most important. A friend listens to us. if we are sad, if we are happy he or she is there to hear our problems or our success.

Without friendship our lives will be sad and dark, because if we share time, experiences, conversations, and different moments with a person that is important for us, we will be happier and we will feel better.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


Human rights are composed of laws and values that people follow to have justice and organization in the society.

First the Rome Emporium set the idea of justice and law. Then the French revolution, in 1879, set the bases for the creation of human rights. Equality, freedom and fraternity were the three objectives of this revolution that change the world and the ideology of this decade. Since then, the importance of human beings was put at the top of the discussions and laws.

With the declaration of human rights people is protected from injustice, discrimination, disrespect and dishonor. Human rights are the basic values and the fundamental freedoms that each person has in the society.

All the people born free and equal in dignity and rights, no matter if they are black or white, woman or man, they have the same rights. People could have different race, sex, language, religion, political opinion, but they are also part of the society and deserve respect from everybody.

Everyone has the right to live, the right of liberty of expression and opinion, the right of having security and the right to be recognized everywhere as a person.

The slave and the servitude shall be prohibited such us the degrading treatment or punishment because there are no reason to torture or to be cruel with other people.

Human rights guarantee that people have equal protection of the law and equal protection against any discrimination or violation of the rights. Without these norms people could do whatever they want and nobody would be respected.


miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Image of friendship


It usually takes time to cultivate a good friendship, but sometimes we feel closeness with a person.  We feel that person is our soulmate, so we become friends instantly.
we have different kinds of friendship, depending usually on how long we have known the friends. the process of making friends can be divided into three stages:

-New friends and acquaintances
-True friends
-Best friends

There are many reasons why people become friends, but the most important in a friendship is to trust each other